If you have any of the below or other needs, feel free to reach out.


Looking for a unique, memorable soundtrack for your game / film / project? Tired of generic samey approaches to scores, whether bombastic-cinematic or cheery-chiptune? My delight is in the strange and fresh, taking creative approaches to traditional problems while keeping the foundation of what gives the iconic soundtracks of yesterday their power.

I’d love to hear from you about your awesome project!


Do you have an idea for a song and want to turn it into a Spotify-worthy end product? I’ve taken everything from musical ideas, sung & played demos, and partially completed musics and arranged and composed them to finished works.

For specifics on how we can make your great ideas happen, give me a shout.


After arrangement, the next most important thing in the end result of music is the mix. Deciding and shaping the listener’s focus to the ‘story’ each song tells can make the difference between a rough gem and a cut diamond, where mastering gives it the final sheen for a chart hit.

All of my music is mixed and mastered myself, so for more examples than are in the showcase, you can listen to my latest works!

To see how to bring your music to the next level, let me know what you’re looking for.


Need an expert ear mixing your live performance / festival? Seeking advice on a professional audio setup for your studio or gigs?

Give a holler and we can walk through potential solutions.

Do you have a tech team that needs a solid foundation in how to mix front of house? Don’t quite understand the difference between a gate or expander and how to get the snare sounding beastly? What exactly is the role of the engineer and how should they relate to the band?

For these things and more, send a message my way to set up a consultation for your needs!


Really like one of my themes you listened to? Looking for a more economical way to use great music for your project? Some of my music is available for non-exclusive licensing to use in your games/short-films/projects.

For prices and usage rights, send me a message through cyberspace–I’d love to go over our options.